Hana Bílková |
Dissertation: The ESG concept and its social impact
Zaměření She received her Bachelor’s degree in sociological-economic studies and Master’s degree in sociology from the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. She has been a PhD student there since 2022. Her research focuses on the field of ESG and, in addition to the social impact, the risks associated with the implementation of requirements based on the ESG concept and their management. In addition, she is interested in socio-economic evaluation. |
Petr Boháček |
Disertace:Threat Perception in Planetary Defense |
Jan Drahoňovský |
Dissertation: The world of prisoners in the context of everyday life: a qualitative field study based on a phenomenological conception of man
Zaměření A doctoral candidate with several years of penitentiary experience and experience in adult education, he seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the social microcosm of the prison environment in which he himself works as a professional staff member. His goal is to explore the social life of prisoners (institutions, customs, specifics of social structure) and to develop a workable theory of subculture in male prisons in the contemporary domestic environment. This project stems from the PhD student’s long-standing interest in this area and builds directly on the results of the exploratory research he conducted as part of his rigorous thesis (2015). In the future, he aspires to publish a monograph introducing the topic of the social life of convicts to a wider academic audience, as there is still a noticeable lack of similarly focused literary production in our country. DRAHOŇOVSKÝ, Jan. Vězení z perspektivy odsouzených. Bezpečnostní teorie a praxe. Praha: Policejní akademie ČR, 2016, č. 3/2016, ISSN 1801-8211. |
Jakub Janouš |
Dissertation: The influence of anthropomorphized artificial intelligence in the form of intelligent virtual assistants on human perception |
Kristýna Klouzalová |
Dissertation: How does disability affect people’s interest in political participation?
Zaměření She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in European Studies and Political Science from Masaryk University. Although her final thesis focused on strategic communication and the European Union, towards the end of her studies she organised an exhibition on Civic Participation of Persons with Disabilities, where stories of active citizens with disabilities were presented. Her dissertation now delves deeper into the topic, exploring the factors and barriers that influence interest in political participation, including at the non-electoral level. |
Jan Klusáček |
Dissertation: Family forms and quality of life |
Martina Kolářová Veverková |
Dissertation: Working in a pandemic – specifics of work in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic and their consequences from the perspective of employees in the Czech Republic |
Hryhorii Maliukov |
Dissertation: Construction of the plight of Ukrainian labour migrants in the Czech Republic
Zaměření He studied sociology at the Bachelor’s degree level at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Masaryk University in Brno and obtained his Master’s degree in sociology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. Since 2021 he has been a PhD student at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. He focuses on sociological theory, especially on the so-called interpretative approaches in sociology (phenomenological sociology, social constructivism, existentialist sociology) and their application to the empirical level, mostly using qualitative methodology and with a professional focus on it. He is interested in the implementation of computer programs for qualitative analysis (mainly ATLAS. ti) in social science analysis. He is also interested in sociological issues of corruption, collective memory, nationalism and identity. His dissertation focuses on the construction of the plight of Ukrainian labour migrants in the Czech Republic. |
Barbora Nejedlá |
Dissertation: Transformation of the palliative care system in residential social services for the elderly
Zaměření I obtained my Bachelor’s degree at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University and my Master’s degree at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Institutions (Social Policy and Social Work programme). Currently, I work as a researcher and analyst at Sue Ryder and as a coordinator and evaluator of the Abakus Foundation’s Developing Palliative Care in Residential Social Services for the Elderly programme. In addition to palliative care, I focus on social impact monitoring method, theory of change, evidence-based approach and systems thinking. |
Martina Novopacká |
Dissertation: Evaluation of court-ordered programmes for perpetrators of domestic violence in the Czech environment
Zaměření She studied sociology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and since 2017 she has been a PhD student at the Department of Sociology. She works as a researcher at the Institute for Criminology and Social Prevention, where she focuses on victimization research, drug crime, hate crime and penology, among others. He is interested in the use of data analysis tools, data visualization and programming in the field of sociology and criminology. |
Ondřej Novotný |
Dissertation: Media effects on political attitudes
Zaměření He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Department of Sociology at the Charles University, where he has been a PhD student since 2022. His main interests are in the sociology of politics and media, and he is currently specialising in research on the effects of televised election debates on voter preferences and political attitudes. Methodologically, his main focus is on quantitative data analysis and advanced statistical methods. At the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, he participates in teaching the courses “Processing of Sociological Data” and “Seminar on Statistics 2 in SPSS” and also participates in the implementation of questionnaire surveys and their evaluation within the project “Long-term monitoring of students and applicants for study at the MFF UK”. |
Viktorie Paloušová |
Dissertation: Possibilities of evaluation of NZDM |
Matouš Pilnáček |
Dissertation: Structure and content of communication on a news server
Zaměření Matouš Pilnáček studied sociology at the Charles University. He works as a researcher at the Centre for Public Opinion Research, where he deals with, among other things, validation of electoral models and advanced methods of static scale testing. He is also interested in the dynamics of public internet communication and the search for mechanisms of its polarization. In 2016/2017, he co-taught the course Statistical Environment R and Introduction to Analytical Soicology. |
Petra Poncarová |
Dissertation: Menstruating bodies in the Czech context: supervision of medical and social discourse |
Kristýna Pospíšilová |
Dissertation: Measurement equivalence over time, unresolved methodological issues
Zaměření She received her Master’s degree in Sociology from Charles University in Prague in 2016. She is currently studying for a PhD in Sociology there, focusing on measurement equivalence (measurement comparability) over time, between modes of data collection or between alternative versions of a research instrument.She works as a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences and also works as an expert consultant at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. She specializes in the issues of social inequalities from an intersectional perspective, the phenomenon of childlessness and childlessness in the Czech Republic and the family structures of Ukrainians and Vietnamese living in the Czech Republic.She specializes in quantitative data analysis and advanced statistical methods (e.g. structural modelling). He is proficient in IBM SPSS, AMOS, Excel. |
Markéta Spitzerová |
Dissertation: The role of school and identity formation style in shaping attitudes towards ethnic minorities
Zaměření I obtained my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Sociology at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Now I work in the Department of Stratification at the Institute of Sociology of the CAS, but I also have work experience in the field of education in the state administration. I am interested in the role of democratic school environment and identity formation in the formation of social attitudes. In addition to sociology of education, I focus on civic participation, quantitative research and data analysis. |
Nicol Staňková |
Dissertation: Energy democracy and justice in the Czech local energy sector
Zaměření She is interested in environmental sociology with an emphasis on energy; especially low-emission, local, communal or community energy. He is interested in public policy, alternative economies, urban development and participation. Her dissertation focuses on community energy in residential buildings. He is involved in Proj-EKT, which explores the negotiation of energy sharing in apartment buildings and its implications. |
Petr Sunega |
Dissertation: The role of intergenerational solidarity and financial transfers in the acquisition of owner-occupied housing in the Czech Republic
Focus: web |
Paulína Tabery |
Dissertation: The role of the immediate social environment in the formation of public opinion
Focus: web |
Aleš Vomáčka |
Disertace: Environmental Policy Attitudes Measurement |
Anna Vostruhová |
Dissertation: Ways of working with transcendence in religious institutions |