Advanced lectures and seminars in methodology and statistics introduce students to working with advanced analytic methods and tackling problems connected with the application of such methods. In the MA programme students are encouraged to specialise in one of the following fields: the Sociology of Public Opinion, the Sociology of Management – Organisational Development, Industrial Relations, the Sociology of Work, the Sociology of Culture and Popular Culture, Social Deviation, the Sociology of the Family, the Sociology of Human Settlements, and the Sociology of Politics. These fields are covered in the ‘state final examination’ (i.e. the postgraduate exam at the end of the degree) in the field of sociology. It is also possible for students to collaborate with academic staff from departments other than the Department of Sociology and students are allowed to enrol on elective courses offered by other departments of the Faculty of Arts or other faculties of Charles University if the student’s area of interest lies outside the range of subjects covered by the Department of Sociology.
Students are given the opportunity to publish their academic writing and to participate in conferences. MA students may also lead or collaborate on research projects supported by faculty or university grants. A compulsory component of this level of study is practice in the field, which students acquire by working with commercial or academic organisation.
Graduates are qualified professionals in the field of social analysis and social research. They find employment primarily in research organisations focusing on basic and applied research, in state administration, and in organisations in the private and non-profit sectors. Many graduates go on to work in research organisations such as the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, research institutions of the state ministries, analytic departments of state administration and private businesses, public opinion and market research agencies, organisations and departments devoted to organisational development, social services and social work. The programme provides graduates with the skills to conduct analyses of practical problems, to gather and analyse empirical data, and to apply original solutions and practical recommendations formulated from a sociological perspective. Graduates are able to independently prepare and implement advanced research projects and apply sophisticated analytic methods in such research; they are qualified to lead small teams to work on such projects. The MA programme provides students with the skills necessary to teach at the secondary and tertiary levels of the education system and equips them with the key prerequisites for further developing their research skills at the doctoral level of study in sociology.