Jiří Šubrt (b. 1958) studied sociology and economics in the 1980’s at Charles University in Prague. Since 1990 he has lectured at this university at the Faculty of Arts. In 2009, he founded and has since been leader of the Department of Historical Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities. He is the author and editor of several books published in the Czech language, which mainly deal with the theme of contemporary sociological theory, particularly with regard to issues of action, structure and social systems. Over the longer term he has also paid attention to the issues of time and memory, recently implementing a three year project focused on the empirical research of the historical consciousness of the Czech population. In the area of historical sociology he has focused on the problems of the civilization process, civilizational comparative analysis, social change and multiple modernities.
Jiri Subrt: The Society of Individuals: How to Solve the Dilemma of Individualism and Holism in Historical Sociology
Jiri Subrt: On the Pragmatic Conception of Mind
Šubrt, Jiří: The Problem of Time from the Perspective of the Social Sciences
Jiri Subrt: Social Time, Fact or Fiction? Several Considerations on the Topic
Jiri Subrt: History and Sociology: What is Historical Sociology?