Mgr. Eva Richter, Ph.D.
Eva Richter is a researcher at the Department of Sociology at Charles University. Her research interests include public responses to environmental and climate change policies, related theoretical concepts, measurement and methodology, environmentally-significant behaviours, practices and related social institutions, and risk in modern societies. She participated in several research projects focusing on public responses to environmental policy making and is currently collaborating on a project on the development of electromobility in the Czech Republic. In 2016, she worked with researchers from the UniResearch Rokkan Centre and the University in Bergen analysing data from the ongoing Norwegian Citizen Panel.
She teaches several regular courses at Charles University including Risk and Society, Environmental Sociology, and seminars on academic skills. She is a member of the Czech and the European Sociological Associations. In 2017, she co-organized the Conference of the Czech Sociological Association and in 2019 a conference Our Common Future.