Allianz Summer Academy 2019: Call for participants

Univerzita Karlova se dlouhodobě účastní programu letních škol Allianz Kulturstiftung a v patnáctileté historii se letos historicky už potřetí otevírají brány této prestižní a bezplatné akce studentům Univerzity Karlovy.

Allianz Summer Academy (ASA) se uskuteční mezi 29.7.2019 a 2.8.2019 v Mnichově a je plně hrazena Allianz Cultural Foundation. Uzávěrka přihlášek je 27.2.2019. Přihlášky (životopis a motivační dopis v anglickém jazyce) zasílejte na: PhDr. Jan Hauser, nebo Více informací o této příležitosti zde, případně v pozvánce.

Shrnutí v anglickém jazyce:

Allianz Summer Academy (ASA) creates a framework in which future leaders from five major universities work together analyzing challenges and elaborating individual and collective strategies for the future. The participants will become members of the Allianz Alumni Network.

You can find detailed info about the academy at; the topic for 2019 is “Strengthening social cohesion in Europe: Five practical proposals to tackle inequalities.”

5 students from Charles University will be selected to participate. After the selection, the team will create a paper and a presentation which will be presented at the summer school in Munich, Bavaria (Monday 29 July to Friday 2 August 2019). You will have an opportunity to discuss the future of Europe with participants from top European universities such as Central European University, Budapest, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Cambridge University (TBC).

All the costs including travel, accommodation and catering are fully covered by Allianz Cultural Foundation.

The participating students should:

  • be fluent in English
  • be in possession of an excellent academic record
  • have a strong personal and academic motivation for EU issues
  • be fully committed to the ongoing project’s work throughout the preparation period
  • have good team work skills

The call for participants is now open for all students of Charles University in Prague. You can apply until Wednesday 27th February 2019.

You can apply right now by sending your CV and a short motivation explaining why you would like to participate to Dr. Jan Hauser, coordinator of ASA at Charles University, or

Úvod > Příležitosti > Allianz Summer Academy 2019: Call for participants