Článek: Looking Eastward: Network Analysis of Czech Deputies and Their Foreign Policy Groups

Vyšel nový článek Tomáše Diviáka ve spoluautorství s Michalem Mochťakem (University of Luxembourg) v akademickém časopise Problems of Post-Communism. Autoři analyzují síť českých poslanců a jejich skupin zaměřených na zahraniční politiku, přičemž z analýzy vychází, že autoritářsky zaměření poslanci jsou daleko aktivnější a vykazují vyšší homofilii než ostatní a své aktivity orientují na převážně méně demokratické země.

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Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce:

This article analyzes a structure of relations among the members of the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, as reported through their memberships in bilateral and multilateral groups of friendship which establish professional contacts between the Chamber of Deputies and foreign parliaments. We approach the structure as a social network of members of parliament and interpret the memberships as proxy indicators of their interests/preferences in foreign affairs. This research shows that interparliamentary groups construct a self-sustained independent structure for parliamentary diplomacy which may significantly differ from the official positions of the government. We find that the studied network has a centralized core–periphery structure, in which deputies who are less prominent and those interested in authoritarian regimes occupy more central positions. This research connects the findings with the current debates on Central European tendencies to look for allies in large authoritarian regimes (Russia and China), for which we argue the interparliamentary groups might play the role of an important communication channel.

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