Katedra sociologie zve všechny zájemce o kriminologii na přednášku, kterou prosloví
Prof. Anna Markina
Universita Tartu
Barriers and facilitators to reducing recidivism among young offenders: a story of an ethnography
This presentation is built on a case study of juvenile offenders in Estonia as part of the EU-funded PROMISE project. 23 in-depth interviews were conducted using photo elicitation and peer-research approaches. The young people interviewed for the project have histories of criminal offending, and the majority was on probation during the study. The research focuses on how criminal punishment and the subsequent stigmatisation influence young people’s lives. The research suggests that many young people experience stigmatisation in various spheres of their life: work, housing, relationship with the state institutions. Resulting alienation, exclusion, negative attitudes to the institutions and the state in general often result in re-offending and a pathway towards a criminal career.
Přednáška se uskuteční v úterý dne 20. 11. 2018 od 15 hod.
v místnosti 317, Celetná 20, Praha 1