Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong nabízí PhD/MPhil programy v oboru sociologie/sociální politika (Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)).
Informace o univerzitě a podmínkách žádosti v anglickém jazyce:
PhD and MPhil in Sociology and/or Social Policy at Lingnan University
Each fellowship awardee will be provided HK$25,100 per month(~ US$3,198) by RGC and additionally waived by Lingnan the full tuition fee for his/her first year of study.
Lingnan is Hong Kong’s liberal arts university, whose small size, top international faculty and strong emphasis on close staff and student relationships offer a unique environment for the pursuit of advanced studies in this exciting part of the world. The University offers MPhil and PhD programmes in the Arts, Business and Social Sciences disciplines. Our top value is student-centred learning hence, for graduates, to ensure close and supportive thesis supervision. At Lingnan, students establish peer-type working relationships with world-class scholars who offer expert and close-contact supervision in their respective areas. Our compact working environment where research students relate as peers with world-class scholars has enabled Lingnan to maintain a track record in HKPFS Fellowships Scheme.
The Department of Sociology and Social Policy has more than ten professorial members from six different countries. Since 2014, it has had 19 research postgraduate students from Asia, Africa, Europe and North America, including an outstanding record of six Hong Kong PhD Fellows. The department also offers taught MA courses, which are available to our research students. Members of staff currently have a world-leading or internationally recognised expertise in areas including:
- Ageing, social gerontology
- Comparative policy including international education
- Economic and urban sociology; housing
- Gender and sexuality studies
- Health research, population; social well-being
- Hong Kong society and culture
- Income inequality and social stratification
- Justice and society; transitional and historical justice
- Religion, ethnic minorities
- Social and political thought; political sociology
- Social theory
Applicants may seek admission to our PhD programmes in two ways as follows:
- Outstanding applicants may seek admission via the HKPFS by 1 December 2018 (Hong Kong Time 12:00 noon). Fellowship awardees will be provided with a Fellowship with a monthly stipend of HK$25,100 (subject to annual review), and waived the full tuition fee for his/her first year of study. Students who apply for and do not get the fellowship can still be considered for the regular PhD places at Lingnan.
- Applicants may apply to the University directly during 1 November 2018 to 25 January 2019. Normally, full-time PhD students will be awarded Postgraduate Studentships which offer a monthly stipend of HK$16,720* (amount subject to review).
*To be raised to HK$17,050 after confirmation of candidature.
We also have our popular research-based 2-year MPhil programme. Applicants may apply for admission to our MPhil programmes directly during1 November 2018 to 25 January 2019. Full-time MPhil students will also be awarded Postgraduate Studentships which offer a monthly stipend of HK$16,480 (amount subject to review).
For more details regarding application methods and requirements, please visit our website at www.LN.edu.hk/reg/info/pgrad. Should you have any queries, you are most welcome to contact the Registry (Tel.: (852) 2616 8750; Email: rpgadm@LN.edu.hk).