Katedra sociální geografie PřF UK v tomto semestru nabízí studentům sociologie několik zajímavých kurzů, které vyučují významné zahraniční osobnosti:
Many contemporary problems transcend individual countries or cities, government policies and also the boundaries between state, market and society. Thus ever more complex societal relations challenge the organisation of space and thus pose new tasks for planning and governance. In this course we enquire into various critical and new approaches to social space, planning and governance that aim to respond to global complexity.
Cities, Development and Globalisation (v SISu Visiting professor B) – Monika De Frantz, Ph.D., úterý 16:30
As more than half of the world’s population live in urban areas, cities shift into the focus of global development – of states, markets, environment, social movements and international cooperation. Fostered by global economic competition and the retreat of states, rapid urbanisation can enhance spatial fragmentation, social exclusion and cultural homogenization. But instead of mere economic agglomerations, cities still offer public spaces where diverse groups meet, contest and create new ideas and relations. The contemporary changes also offer local opportunities for entrepreneurship, civic engagement, and bottom-up politics in global development processes. This course enquires into the role of cities in globalisation, the various claims and strategies for urban development and the ways how cities reflect various scenarios and critiques of development and globalisation.
Political geography (v SISu Visiting professor C) – Professor Stanley D. Brunn, Ph.D., úterý 8:10 + 14:50
The purpose of this class is to introduce you to the themes, theories, and topics studied by political geography in many countries. These include exploring “the political” at the personal, national, regional and international scales. The focus is on concepts and themes that can/might be applied at many different scales in different countries or regions. Materials and examples are drawn from around the world.